Hibernate Manytomany The Join Table Has Sequence Generated Primary Key

Every JPA entity is required to have a field which maps to primary key of the database table. Such field must be annotated with @Id.

  1. Hibernate Manytomany The Join Table Has Sequence Generated Primary Keyboard
  2. Hibernate Manytomany The Join Table Has Sequence Generated Primary Key Mean

Simple vs Composite primary keys

Hi, I used this example long time back and it was very useful and i did it successfully using netbeans IDE. Recently I triedto use this same example but the IDE do not generate the tables's mapping, I tried to check allover the internet but couldn't identify the root cause, Can you please let me know how the IDE can generate the foreign key mapping. Nov 05, 2014  Hibernate doesn't use PostgreSQL sequence to generate primary key submitted 4 years ago. by Zinkarah I have a Java Server Faces project using Hibernate to. You can, for example, customize the join tables of many-to-many associations, use composite primary keys, or share a primary key value between 2 associated entities. But please be careful with any mapping that tries to handle a significant difference between your table model and your domain model. Mar 10, 2017  Hibernate Tips is a series of posts in which I describe a quick and easy solution for common Hibernate questions. If you have a question you like me to answer, please leave a comment below. Question: My table model contains a many-to-many association.

A simple primary key consists of a single Java field which maps to a single table column.
A composite primary key consists of multiple Java fields which individually map to separate columns.

Supported types for a primary key

A simple primary key field or one of the composite primary key field should be one of the following types:

  • Any Java primitive type
  • any Any primitive wrapper type
  • java.lang.String
  • java.util.Date
  • java.sql.Date
  • java.math.BigDecimal
  • java.math.BigInteger

Hibernate annotations with composite primary key I want to know how to use hibernate annotations in case of composite primary key in one table. I tried like this, I have created a table without primary key. Today we are going to understand how to perform a many-to-one mapping of objects between two Entity classes using Hibernate. Many-to-One relationship is all about how multiple objects of one class are associated with an object of another class.

In this tutorial we are going to focus on generation strategies of simple primary key.

@GeneratedValue Annotation

This annotation defines the types of primary key generation strategies. If this annotation is not used then application is responsible to populate and manage @Id field values itself.

The use of the GeneratedValue annotation is only required to be supported for simple primary keys.

GenerationType enum defines four strategies: Generation Type . TABLE, Generation Type. SEQUENCE, Generation Type. IDENTITY and Generation Type. AUTO. Let's understand them with examples.


With this strategy, underlying persistence provider must use a database sequence to get the next unique primary key for the entities.

Hibernate Manytomany The Join Table Has Sequence Generated Primary Key

Gta 4 episodes from liberty city serial key generator. We have created the following Util class to reuse the code for other examples.

Also, in the persistence.xml, we have created four persistence-unit, so that we can try four GenerationType independently. We are using Hibernate as persistence provider.

Let's create main class to try out Entity1 key generation.


Above output shows one table MYENTITY1 and one sequence HIBERNATE_SEQUENCE are created.


With this strategy, underlying persistence provider must use a database table to generate/keep the next unique primary key for the entities.

Hibernate Manytomany The Join Table Has Sequence Generated Primary Keyboard


This time no sequence is generated, instead an additional table named 'HIBERNATE_SEQUENCES' is created to maintain primary key sequence.


This GenerationType indicates that the persistence provider must assign primary keys for the entity using a database identity column. IDENTITY column is typically used in SQL Server. This special type column is populated internally by the table itself without using a separate sequence. If underlying database doesn't support IDENTITY column or some similar variant then the persistence provider can choose an alternative appropriate strategy. In this examples we are using H2 database which doesn't support IDENTITY column.


Above output shows that a sequence is used for primary keys.


This GenerationType indicates that the persistence provider should automatically pick an appropriate strategy for the particular database. This is the default GenerationType, i.e. if we just use @GeneratedValue annotation then this value of GenerationType will be used.


Above output shows that a sequence is used for primary keys.

When @GeneratedValue not used

Hibernate Manytomany The Join Table Has Sequence Generated Primary Key Mean

If we don't use @GeneratedValue annotation at all, then we have to populate the unique primary keys ourselves. In this example, we are simply assigning it to the value returned from System.nanoTime()


Above output shows that a no sequence or extra table were generated.

Example Project

Dependencies and Technologies Used:

  • h2 1.4.193: H2 Database Engine.
  • hibernate-core 5.2.8.Final: The core O/RM functionality as provided by Hibernate.
    Implements javax.persistence:javax.persistence-api version 2.1
  • JDK 1.8
  • Maven 3.3.9