Key Generation Algorithm In Java

/office-2013-vl-edition-key-generator.html. java-otp is a Java library for generating HOTP (RFC 4226) or TOTP (RFC 6238) one-time passwords.

Getting java-otp

You can download java-otp as a jar file (it has no dependencies) from the GitHub releases page and add it to your project's classpath. If you're using Maven (or something that understands Maven dependencies) to build your project, you can add java-otp as a dependency:

The KeyPairGenerator class provides getInstance method which accepts a String variable representing the required key-generating algorithm and returns a KeyPairGenerator object that generates keys. Create KeyPairGenerator object using the getInstance method as shown below. This type of encryption uses a single key known as private key or secret key to encrypt and decrypt sensitive information. Here is an article where I have discussed about AES encryption in Java. Generating RSA Public Private Key. We can use factory method to generate these keys using KeyPairGenerator. For the demo purpose we are using a key. The following are top voted examples for showing how to use javax.crypto.KeyGenerator.These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the examples you like and your votes will be used in our system to generate more good examples. Symmetric algorithms require the creation of a key and an initialization vector (IV). The key must be kept secret from anyone who should not decrypt your data. The IV does not have to be secret, but should be changed for each session. Asymmetric algorithms require the creation of a public key and a private key. To generate secrete key we can use Java KeyGenerator class which provides the functionality of a secret (symmetric) key generator. Key generators are constructed using one of the getInstance class methods of this class. GetInstance method of KeyGenerator takes parameter name of algorithm and Returns a KeyGenerator object that generates secret keys for the specified algorithm.

The most popular Public Key Algorithms are RSA, Diffie-Hellman, ElGamal, DSS. Generate a Public-Private Key Pair. There are several ways to generate a Public-Private Key Pair depending on your platform. In this example, we will create a pair using Java. The Cryptographic Algorithm we will use in this example is RSA.

java-otp works with Java 8 or newer. If you need support for versions of Java older than Java 8, you may try using java-otp v0.1 (although it is no longer supported).


To demonstrate generating one-time passwords, we'll focus on the TOTP algorithm. To create a TOTP generator with a default password length (6 digits), time step (30 seconds), and HMAC algorithm (HMAC-SHA1):

To actually generate time-based one-time passwords, you'll need a key and a timestamp. Secure key management is beyond the scope of this document; for the purposes of an example, though, we'll generate a random key:

Armed with a key, we can deterministically generate one-time passwords for any timestamp:

…which produces (for one randomly-generated key):

License and copyright

java-otp is published under the MIT License.

The Java KeyPairGenerator class ( is used to generate asymmetric encryption / decryption key pairs. An asymmetric key pair consists of two keys. The first key is typically used to encrypt data. The second key which is used to decrypt data encrypted with the first key.

Public Key, Private Key Type Key Pairs

The most commonly known type of asymmetric key pair is the public key, private key type of key pair. The private key is used to encrypt data, and the public key can be used to decrypt the data again. Actually, you could also encrypt data using the public key and decrypt it using the private key.

The private key is normally kept secret, and the public key can be made publicly available. Thus, if Jack encrypts some data with his private key, everyone in possession of Jack's public key can decrypt it.

Creating a KeyPairGenerator Instance

To use the Java KeyPairGenerator you must first create a KeyPairGenerator instance. Creating a KeyPairGenerator instance is done by calling the method getInstance() method. Here is an example of creating a Java KeyPairGenerator instance:

Key Generation In Java

The getInstance() method takes the name of the encryption algorithm to generate the key pair for. In this example we use the name RSA.

Initializing the KeyPairGenerator

Depending on the algorithm the key pair is generated for, you may have to initialize the KeyPairGenerator instance. Initializing the KeyPairGenerator is done by calling its initialize() method. Here is an example of initializing a Java KeyPairGenerator instance:

Java Sorting Algorithm Examples

This example initializes the KeyPairGenerator to generate keys of 2048 bits in size.

Key Generation Algorithm In Java Pdf

Generating a Key Pair

To generate a KeyPair with a KeyPairGenerator you call the generateKeyPair() method. Here is an example of generating a KeyPair with the KeyPairGenerator:

License Key Generation Algorithm Java

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