Ubuntu Generate Ssh Key With Email

  1. Ubuntu Generate Ssh Keys
  2. Add Ssh Key
  3. Ubuntu Generate Ssh Key With Email Address
  4. Create Ssh Key

Apr 12, 2018 SSH-key-based authentication provides a more secure alternative to password-based authentication. In this tutorial we'll learn how to set up SSH key-based authentication on an Ubuntu 16.04 installation. Associating the key with your email address helps you to identify the key later on. Note that the ssh-keygen command is only available if you have already installed Git (with Git Bash). You'll see a response similar to this: Just press to accept the default location and file name. Mar 31, 2018 Generate public key and store into a file. It is a simple one liner command to generate a public key from a private key, so lets say our private key is named ‘user@myserver.key’ and we want to generate the public key and name it ‘authorizedkeys’. Below is the command to do this. SSH key generator for Ubuntu closed Ask Question. How to generate SSH v2 key for ubuntu one. Email: send me $100 for details on a security flaw in a. Oct 05, 2007 To generate a pair of public and private keys execute the following command: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 You can use “dsa” instead of the “rsa” after the -t to generate a DSA key. The number after the -b specifies the key length in bits.

SSH, the secure shell, is often used to access remote Linux systems. But its authentication mechanism, where a private local key is paired with a public remote key, is used to secure all kinds of online services, from GitHub and Launchpad to Linux running on Microsoft’s Azure cloud. Generating these keys from Linux is easy, and thanks to Ubuntu on Windows, you can follow the.

I am a new Ubuntu 18.04 LTS user and I would like to setup ssh public key authentication. How do I set up ssh keys based authentication on Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS server? How do I set up SSH keys on an Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS server? In Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, how do I set up public key authentication?
Introduction: OpenSSH is a free and open source client/server technology for secure remote login. It is an implementation of the SSH protocol. OpenSSH divided into sshd (server) and various client tools such as sftp, scp, ssh and more. One can do remote login with OpenSSH either using password or combination of private and public keys named as public key based authentication. It is an alternative security method for user passwords. This method is recommended on a VPS, cloud, dedicated or even home-based server or laptop. This page shows how to set up SSH keys on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server.

Ubuntu 18.04 Setup SSH Public Key Authentication

The procedure to set up secure ssh keys on Ubuntu 18.04:

  1. Create the key pair using ssh-keygen command.
  2. Copy and install the public key using ssh-copy-id command.
  3. Add yourself to sudo admin account on Ubuntu 18.04 server.
  4. Disable the password login for root account on Ubuntu 18.04.

Sample set up for SSH Keys on Ubuntu 18.04


  • – You store your public key on the remote hosts and you have an accounts on this Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS server.
  • Linux/macbook laptop – Your private key stays on the desktop/laptop/computer (or local server) you use to connect to server. Do not share or give your private file to anyone.

In public key based method you can log into remote hosts and server, and transfer files to them, without using your account passwords. Feel free to replace and client names with your actual setup. Enough talk, let’s set up public key authentication on Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS.

How to create the RSA/ed25519 key pair on your local desktop/laptop

Open the Terminal and type following commands if .ssh directory does not exists:
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh
$ chmod 0700 $HOME/.ssh

Next generate a key pair for the protocol, run:
$ ssh-keygen
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa 4096 -C 'My key for Linode server'
These days ED25519 keys are favored over RSA keys when backward compatibility is not needed:
$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C 'My key for Linux server # 42'

How to install the public key in Ubuntu 18.04 remote server


Ubuntu Generate Ssh Keys

The syntax is as follows:
ssh-copy-id your-user-name@your-ubuntu-server-name
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/file.pub your-user-name@your-ubuntu-server-name

For example:
## for RSA KEY ##
ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub user@
## for ED25519 KEY ##
ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub user@
## install SSH KEY for root user ##
ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub root@

I am going to install ssh key for a user named vivek (type command on your laptop/desktop where you generated RSA/ed25519 keys):
$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub vivek@
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Test it

Now try logging into the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server, with ssh command from your client computer/laptop using ssh keys:
$ ssh your-user@your-server-name-here
$ ssh vivek@

What are ssh-agent and ssh-add, and how do I use them on Ubuntu 18.04?

To get rid of a passphrase for the current session, add a passphrase to ssh-agent (see ssh-agent command for more info) and you will not be prompted for it when using ssh or scp/sftp/rsync to connect to hosts with your public key. The syntax is as follows:
$ eval $(ssh-agent)
Type the ssh-add command to prompt the user for a private key passphrase and adds it to the list maintained by ssh-agent command:
$ ssh-add
Enter your private key passphrase. Now try again to log into vivek@ and you will NOT be prompted for a password:
$ ssh vivek@

How to disable the password based login on a Ubuntu 18.04 server

Login to your server, type:
## client commands ##
$ eval $(ssh-agent)
$ ssh-add
$ ssh vivek@

Now login as root user:
$ sudo -i
$ su -i
Edit sshd_config file:
# vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Find PermitRootLogin and set it as follows:
PermitRootLogin no
Save and close the file. I am going to add a user named vivek to sudoers group on Ubuntu 18.04 server so that we can run sysadmin tasks:
# adduser vivek sudo
Restart/reload the sshd service:
# systemctl reload ssh
You can exit from all session and test it as follows:
$ ssh vivek@
## become root on server for sysadmin task ##
$ sudo -i

How do I add or replace a passphrase for an existing private key?

To to change your SSH passphrase type the following command:
$ ssh-keygen -p

How do I backup my existing private/public SSH keys

Key generator for corel draw x4. Just copy files to your backup server or external USB pen/hard drive:

How do I protect my ssh keys?

  1. Always use a strong passphrase.
  2. Do not share your private keys anywhere online or store in insecure cloud storage or gitlab/github servers.
  3. Restrict privileges of the account.

Tip: Create and setup an OpenSSH config file to create shortcuts for servers

See how to create and use an OpenSSH ssh_config file for more info.

How do I secure my OpenSSH server?

See “OpenSSH Server Best Security Practices” for more info.


You learned how to create and install ssh keys for SSH key-based authentication for Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS server. See OpenSSH server documents here and here for more info.


SSH keys are a necessity for Python development when you are working withGit, connecting to remote servers and automating yourdeployments. Let's walk through how to generate SSHkey pairs, which contain both a public and a private key within a singlepair, on Ubuntu Linux.

Generating the Public and Private Keys

Open up a new terminal window in Ubuntu like we see in the followingscreenshot.

Add Ssh Key

The ssh-keygen command provides an interactive command line interface forgenerating both the public and private keys. Invoke ssh-keygen with thefollowing -t and -b arguments to ensure we get a 4096 bit RSA key.Optionally, you can also specify your email address with -C (otherwiseone will be generated off your current Linux account):

(Note: the -o option was introduced in 2014; if this command fails for you, simply remove the -o option)

The first prompt you will see asks where to save the key. However, there areactually two files that will be generated: the public key and the privatekey.

This prompt refers to the private key and whatever you enter will alsogenerate a second file for the public key that has the same name and .pubappended.

If you already have a key, you should specify a new filename. I use manySSH keys so I typically name them 'test-deploy', 'prod-deploy', 'ci-server'along with a unique project name. Naming is one of those hard computerscience problems, so take some time to come up with a system that works foryou and the development team you work with!

Next you will see a prompt for an optional passphrase:

Whether or not you want a passphrase depends on how you will use the key.The system will ask you for the passphrase whenever you use the SSH keyso it is more secure.However, if you are automating deployments with acontinuous integration server likeJenkins then you will not want a passphrase.


Be aware that it is impossible to recover a passphrase if it is lost. Keepthat passphrase safe and secure because otherwise a completely new key wouldhave to be generated.

Enter the passphrase (or just press enter to not have a passphrase) twice.You'll see some output like the following:

Ubuntu Generate Ssh Key With Email Address

Your SSH key is now generated and ready to use!

What now?

Now that you have your public and private keys, I recommend settingup a Python development environment withone of the following tutorials so you can start coding:

Create Ssh Key

Additional ssh-keygen command resources:

Questions? Contact me via Twitter@fullstackpythonor @mattmakai. I'm also on GitHub withthe username mattmakai.

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