Unity Generate Upload Key Android


Somehow I managed to save the wrong keystore for my Android app that I developed using Xamarin and already published.
When I wanted to upload an update to the Google Play Store with the keystore that I thought was the right keystore,
the SHA certificate did not match.


Luckily I was registered for Google Play App Signing so they were able to reset the Upload Key for me.
In order to reset the upload key I:

Unity Generate Upload Key Android Software

  1. (dont know if i had to do this to generate new upload key) Generated a new archive and new keystore for the Android project in Xamarin and exported the APK to a folder. In that folder i ran the command lines in the next steps:

  2. Generated a new upload key using the command line:
    keytool -genkeypair -alias upload -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 9125 -keystore keystore.jks

  3. Exported the certificate for that key to a *.pem file:
    keytool -export -rfc -alias upload -file upload_certificate.pem -keystore keystore.jks

  4. Sent the *.pem to Google Play Developer Support.**

    Now that I have a *.pem file and *.jks file, how do I create the new APK file for my Xamarin Android project, signed with the new upload key in Visual Studio?

Unity Generate Upload Key Android Download

Build a signed non-Development Build Android APK from your game. TIP: Make sure you safely store your keystore An Android system that lets you store cryptographic key entries for enhanced device security. More info See in Glossary file. The original keystore is always required to update a published Google Play application. Jul 12, 2016  This tutorial will show you how to generate signed APK using Android Studio IDE. Key password. Step 3: Proceed To Generate Singed APK. Now you can upload it to Google Playstore. Video Tutorial. The above mentioned steps are recorded as. Jun 03, 2018  How to publish Android appBundle to Google Play Store. App Bundle is a new way to package an Android app. It modularizes your app by architecture behind the. Generate a new secret key. To generate the key, follow the same process as the one for generating a new private key. You use the Security library in each case. Import encrypted keys more securely. Android 9 (API level 28) and higher allow you to import encrypted keys securely into the Keystore using an ASN.1‑encoded key format.